Our union only works because we do. The work of the volunteer and elected committees of PSA is invaluable to our ability to function as a union and create solidarity amongst our members. Learn more about each committee and its members below!


Communications Committee

The PSA Communications Committee supports our union’s communications needs, helping to ensure members feel informed and engaged, and fostering connections with the broader community outside BPL by helping to amplify our messaging. The committee's work includes supporting the
E-Board and other committees through reviewing and drafting internal and external communications, survey forms, and member resources as well as supporting the creation of a new PSA website and social media presence. If you are a current PSA member and are interested in learning more about this committee or joining, please contact bpl.psa1@gmail.com.

Ben Barber, Digital Repository Developer
Maty Cropley, Teen Outreach Librarian
Bryce Kieren Healy, Cataloger & Classifier Librarian, Rare Books
Kathleen Monahan, Special Collections Public Services Librarian
Bri Skywall, Teen Technology Coordinator
Kelly Webster, MBLN Head of Bibliographic Services

Current Committee Members:

Social Media Subcommittee:

Allison Hahn, Chair, Children’s Librarian
Laura Berestecki, Collections Librarian
Liz Blake, Program & Community Outreach Librarian

Continuing Education Committee

The Continuing Education Committee oversees the PSA Continuing Education Fund. They evaluate applications from members to use funds to cover classes, workshops and other professional development. Volunteers for this committee are approved by the Executive Board.

Amber DeAngelis, Research Services Team Lead
An Qi Tan, Accounting

Current Committee Members:

Extended Sick Leave Committee

The Extended Sick Leave Committee runs the Extended Sick Leave Fund. They evaluate requests from members seeking to use the fund and hold fund drives for contributions of sick leave. Members are elected to serve two-year terms on this committee. Please contact bpl.psa1@gmail.com for more information or to request use of donated time.

Veronica Koven-Matasy, Reader Services
Kathleen Clifford, Generalist Librarian
Hope Genty, Collections Librarian
Ann Langone, Children’s Librarian

Current Committee Members:

Joint Health & Safety Committee

Health and Safety Committee Members are appointed by the Executive Board.  The two PSA members attend monthly meetings of the Joint Health and Safety Committee with an equal number of members appointed by AFSCME Local 1526 and by Management.

Pete Coco, Assistant Neighborhood Services Manager
Amy Layton, Generalist
Lauren Lepanto, Branch Librarian
Denice Thornhill, Interlibrary Loan Coordinator

Current Committee Members:

Membership Committee

Membership Committee members are involved in greeting new members and supporting the board in ongoing outreach to membership. They also meet to plan social gatherings to build member solidarity and boost morale.

Michael Brown, Community Learning
Kathleen Clifford, Generalist
Elise Cluster, Generalist
Bryce Kieren Healy, Cataloger & Classifier Librarian
Robin Goodfellow (Puck) Malamud, Cataloger & Classifier Librarian

Current Committee Members:

Nominating/Election Committee

The Nominating/Election Committee is an ad hoc committee formed each year before a PSA election is held. It recruits members to run for office and oversees the election process. The Executive Board appoints this committee which consists of 5 PSA members who are not planning to run for office in the coming year. The Past-President leads the committee and election process.

Chris Strunk, Chair, Children’s Librarian

Current Committee Members:

Stewards Committee

The Stewards Committee investigates member complaints, including requests for Compensation Grade Appeals and other pay and workplace issues, and brings complaints to the Executive Board to discuss how the complaints can be resolved. If the Board decides to take action, the Steward investigating a complaint will work with the Chief Steward to file a grievance, an unfair labor practice suit, a Compensation Grade Appeal, or other action that is deemed most appropriate.

The committee includes up to 10 PSA members, and is chaired by the Chief Steward. Other members serve on a volunteer basis.

Bryce Kieren Healy, Chair, Cataloger & Classifier Librarian

Current Committee Members:

Contract Bargaining Team

This team is primarily made up of members of the Executive Board as well as members who volunteered to be on the team. If you are a current PSA member and are interested in learning more, becoming a member of a future bargaining team, or providing testimony about a specific contract proposal, email bpl.psa1@gmail.com.

Marcos Ramirez, Interim AFT Field Rep
Jess Elias, PSA President
Allison Hahn, PSA Vice-President
Bryce Kieren Healy, PSA Chief Steward
Robin Goodfellow (Puck) Malamud, PSA Secretary
Ben Barber, PSA Central Representative
Jessica Bitely, PSA Central Representative
Jackie Hincapie, PSA Branch Representative
Chris Strunk, PSA Past-President
Julia Blake, PSA Member
Akunna Eneh, PSA Member

Bargaining Team Members: